Every little girl thinks their Dad is so handsome. My Mom would take every opportunity to tell us that she thought so too. When Dad would be pumping gas and we were waiting in the car for him to finish, she would tell us how smart, hard working, and good looking he was. Mom was doing more than just letting us know what a good father we had, she was teaching us to appreciate our future mates and how we should think about our families.
I have heard that you really don't know how you did raising your children until you see how the grandchildren raise their children. If that is the truth then these two people did a bang up good job. The great grand children are all winners. Oh, they might not be geniuses or beauty queens, but they are respectful, obedient, hard working, thoughtful, and a blessing to be around. Not all families can make a brag like that and be able to back it up with facts.
How can you raise hard working, law abiding, obedient, God fearing Christian kids living on an Air Force base? Just the same way you do it anywhere. It is hard work! What goes on inside that home is much more important than what goes on outside the home.
Hi Ginger, Marvel's here in KY say HI and thank you.